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SL-113 | Boston pickguard

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 1 ply

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SL-213 | Boston pickguard

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply

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SL-313 | Boston pickguard

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply

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SL-413 | Boston pickguard

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 4 ply

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SL-113-W | Boston pickguard white

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 1 ply, white


SL-113-B | Boston pickguard black

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 1 ply, black


SL-113-BM | Boston pickguard black matt

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 1 ply, black matt


SL-113-C | Boston pickguard cream

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 1 ply, cream


SL-113-TR | Boston pickguard transparent

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 1 ply, transparent


SL-213-POB | Boston pickguard ocean blue

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, pearl ocean blue


SL-213-PP | Boston pickguard pearl pink

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, pearl pink


SL-213-RBP | Boston pickguard tiger brown pearl

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, tiger brown pearl


SL-213-SGD | Boston pickguard sparkling gold

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, sparkling gold


SL-213-SSV | Boston pickguard sparkling silver

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, sparkling silver


SL-213-SCH | Boston pickguard sparkling champagne

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, sparkling champagne


SL-213-SBU | Boston pickguard sparkling blue

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, sparkling blue


SL-213-SRD | Boston pickguard sparkling red

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, sparkling red


SL-213-SBK | Boston pickguard sparkling black

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, sparkling black


SL-213-MU | Boston pickguard mirror blue

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, mirror blue


SL-213-MR | Boston pickguard mirror red

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, mirror red


SL-213-MC | Boston pickguard mirror chrome

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, mirror chrome


SL-213-MG | Boston pickguard mirror gold

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 2 ply, mirror gold


SL-313-PV | Boston pickguard pearl violet

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, pearl violet,


SL-313-PC | Boston pickguard pearl cream

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, pearl cream


SL-313-PR | Boston pickguard pearl red

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, pearl red


SL-313-PBU | Boston pickguard pearl blue

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, pearl blue


SL-313-PY | Boston pickguard pearl yellow

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, pearl yellow


SL-313-W | Boston pickguard white

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, white


SL-313-VW | Boston pickguard vintage white

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, vintage white


SL-313-B | Boston pickguard black

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, black


SL-313-BC | Boston pickguard black and cream

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, black and cream


SL-313-M | Boston pickguard mint green

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, mint green


SL-313-RP | Boston pickguard tiger pearl

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, tiger pearl


SL-313-RR | Boston pickguard tiger red

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, tiger red


SL-313-RY | Boston pickguard tiger yellow

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, tiger yellow


SL-313-MO | Boston pickguard marble orange

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, marble orange


SL-313-MY | Boston pickguard marble yellow

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, marble yellow


SL-313-WCO | Boston pickguard wild cat orange

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, wild cat orange


SL-313-WCY | Boston pickguard wild cat yellow

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 3 ply, wild cat yellow


SL-413-B | Boston pickguard black

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 4 ply, black


SL-413-PW | Boston pickguard pearl white

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 4 ply, pearl white


SL-413-PB | Boston pickguard pearl black

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 4 ply, pearl black


SL-413-TBP | Boston pickguard tortoise brown pear

pickguard, Stallion, standard, SSS, 3 pot holes, 3-5 switch, lefthanded, 4 ply, tortoise brown pear

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